Monday, October 19, 2009


So I ask a lot of questions in my life, most of which I internalize, but I still ask the people around me, the people I look up to a lot of stuff. There's a lot of guys in my life that I look up to in some respect, only a few that I look up to in a lot of ways, and a couple ladies too. But I am just constantly asking questions, opinions, advice. Am I scared to make a decision without their input? Do I think that when I make a bad choice they're going to rag on me for not doing it their way? Maybe a bit. So many times in my life I want to do what is "right" by most people. And I'm fairly sure that's not a bad thing.
But at the same time, everyone else has their own lives, their own problems, and their own struggles, and you know what? Most of them just deal with it. So while I love advice, I need to buck up and make my own decisions on more things. So yeah, ok.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well, the Bucky's Balls came today. I believe I could play with these all night. :)
Well, I managed to break a cam bolt, allowing the cam gear to make a mad dash at leaving the vehicle, but it failed. Caused quite a racket though!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mr. Fix-it

So I fixed some computers last night, two laptops and a desktop. They were all having issues connecting to the internet. Turns out that the router they were using was not Vista compliant, and while Vista could see the router, the router could not communicate with Vista. So, a trip to the store and a new router, and everything is up and running, the laptops for the first time! Woohoo! Not entirely sure why this fixed the desktop, it is Windows XP, and was not connecting wirelessly, but was having it's own issues. Three computers fixed in an evening? I'll take it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Get down with the Sickness

Thankfully I didn't! Everyone around me has been really really sick :( Thankfully, I've avoided it thusfar.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Blog Two.

I also told Mr.C about my blog today. I wonder if he'll check it out.

My blog.

I told Mr.H about my blog today. I wonder if he'll check it out.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Evening!

Hey everyone, or maybe just you. Taking it easy tonight, listening to some music on Pandora, and taking apart my Xbox. For some reason the disc drive no longer wants to eject, or inject either for that matter. It's presently stuck 1/4 ejected, or 3/4 injected, if such terminology is applicable to the situation. So now I'm taking it apart! Found a nice video on how to do so. These things kinda suck. And then I determined that the next piece is held in with torx screws! Yay! So I tracked down a torx bit, and I have nothing to use it with. I can't find the really neat tool my sister gave me a while back, I'm sure it's somewhere. I'll end up using this 1/4 drive wrench, that should be fun. Ah well, back to this! :)

Well, finished, reassembled, and currently functional. I found the source of the trouble I believe, it's hard to see in the photo, but this gear, some of the teeth have been stripped from it, in the smaller middle gear part. Maybe what they say about not shoving your drive back in has some truth? Who knows. Anyway, can't think of a way to fix that right now, but it was fun none the less. The inside of the 360 was surprisingly clean, and very simple. Everything snaps together, some of which was a pain, but a lot of it was very intuitive. I like it.


I ordered some parts today. Now isn't that just grand?


I wasn't taking this very seriously, and then a complete stranger commented on my blog! How novel.

Headache Part Two

Well, the medicine worked! Pretty sure that's what did it. That headache is toast :)
Now I'm hungry again. Had Taco Time for lunch, it sure was tasty, but apparently not very filling. Oh well!


I have a bit of a headache this afternoon, so I've taken some medicine for it. Maybe some accounting stuff will make it feel better! Any bets?

An IM!

Someone just sent me an instant message! Oh joy! I think I'll go back and add photos to my older posts.

I sure like this blogging thing.

I really am starting to enjoy this blogging action. Maybe I should have signed up for a twitter account instead. Tweet tweet!

Time to do some blogging.

Someone asked me about my blog today, so I made a new post, which you are presently reading. I think I'll upload a photo.

Went to work today

Well, I went to work today. For some reason I made a blog. Hi!

Oh, it's not snowing today though.